Josh Chandler Update

Friday, June 09, 2006

Update: 6/9/06

***written by Cari

He had a good day today. No big steps forward, but definitely no steps backward today -praise the Lord! They were able to wean Josh down on his ventilator settings again so that he is breathing on his own and using the vent for pressure to fill the lungs and to give him oxygen thru the breathing tube. They were also able to get him off of the heavy sedation to a milder one, so we are hoping that maybe he will be able to do a little more - all in time though. Josh is basically calling the shots now on how the doctors treat him. As his lungs heal they will be able to wean him off of the ventilator and as his brain heals we will know just what kind of damage was done, if any (that is what I am praying for). Josh looked very comfortable all day today with the exception of when he had to be suctioned. He truly doesn't like it.

I pray the weekend will be much the same as today, unless he decides to wake up and tell me to quit bothering him. Josh always joked that things were "all about Cari", I guess he decided this is the way to get back at me!
I wish there was more to report, but I am just so thankful that we didn't step backward today.

Thanks again for all of your prayers. We love you all, and I know Josh would say the same. Keep praying for our miracle.


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