Josh Chandler Update

Saturday, March 03, 2007

UPDATE!!! (3.1.07)

The fam at Christmas!!
Dixie and Sandy!!!
Josh and Dixie
Josh at Christmas!
Hello to all!!! I know, I know that you probably think that we have fallen off of the face of the earth - I apologize for my extreme delay in writing an update since last year. It has not been that I have not wanted to write, but in the hustle and bustle of daily life good intentions get left behind somedays. I guess I kind of take it for granted because I see Josh on an everyday basis and I forget that not everyone has that luxury. So I would like to try and give you a clear picture of what is happening in Josh Chandler’s life now. Friday marks nine months since Josh’s accident.
Josh is doing well. He finished up his outpatient rehab on Dec. 20, 2006 and was looking forward to his “Christmas break”, but unfortunately that break has lasted up until the present. He was supposed to transition into a vocational rehab program, but due to government paperwork and now the fact that the rehab building is closed for remodeling - Josh has not had a structured therapy since December. That does not mean that he isn’t progressing, just a minor setback until we can figure out what is the next best step.
Right now I believe that Josh’s biggest setback is his physical strength. Josh’s legs are still fairly weak, so his endurance is not where he wants it to be. He walks with a cane now (even that is only when he leaves the house) and that is more for him to occasionally lean on to help him keep his balance - which is an issue that he has minor difficulty with. He still has very mild tremors in his right hand, so he hates writing, but even that is not bad - you can still read his handwriting. The tremors only seem to get worse when he is tired, but hey, who doesn’t have bad handwriting when they are tired!!
Josh’s speech is doing fine, but Josh gets very frustrated with this (and a little self-conscious) because sometimes it is difficult to understand him (mostly when he tries to talk too fast) and we have to ask him to repeat himself which is annoying for him. His speech is definitely not where he wants it to be. I believe in a lot of ways it has gotten a little better, but as with his tremors it is a little worse when he is tired. I know that the more he works at it, the better it will get, but Josh is a NOW kind of person and it frustrates him when he doesn’t speak as clearly as he used to speak.
The most recent news with Josh is that he has moved in with me. I know many of you may think that this is crazy, but so far it has worked out fine. I think it gives Josh a whole lot more independence which he needs right now. Because goodness knows that I am not going to do everything for him now since he can do so much on his own!!! He can get up, fix himself a sandwich or a drink, do his laundry, clean his room, let the dogs in and out, etc. It’s a win-win situation because I am not home by myself and I have help with the dogs. Also it helps mom and dad out by giving them back their “freedom”. Josh decorated his room in, yep, you guessed it, DUKE colors. You would think he was obsessed or something! Really the one thing he is not doing yet is driving. Even he said he isn’t ready for that yet. Another thing Josh is doing to help him get back into the real world is going to work a few days a week with mom. He helps another lady in the office by doing data entry into the computer (which is good exercise for regaining dexterity back in his fingers) and sorting invoices. He only goes in when they have work for him to do, which is not everyday. It breaks up his week a little and I think it is good for him. Granted he doesn’t want to do this for the rest of his life, but for now it is okay.
Josh turned 25 on this past Saturday, February 24th. A milestone that I am so very thankful he has lived to see. Eight and a half months ago his future was uncertain, but God miraculously saved his life and I know He has great things in store for Josh. To celebrate his birthday Josh and mom traveled to Pensacola, Florida to see many of his friends still at school. I think this really lifted his spirits to see old friends and some kids from the youth group when he assisted there a couple of years ago. Not that he doesn’t know that he is loved, but it is occasionally nice to be reminded of it from time to time. Seeing as how he was in a coma for 2 months I don’t think Josh completely realized how many different people’s lives he has touched in one way or another. Thank you for loving my brother and please continue to keep him in your prayers. He still has obstacles to overcome, but with God’s help and our encouragement I do not believe that it is out of reach.
If you would like to encourage Josh personally his address is now
121 Montclaire Circle
West Columbia, SC 29170
Or email him at:
Love to you all,
P.S. I will try not to let months go by before the next update. Have a wonderful week!
I hope that you enjoyed the pictures.


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