Josh Chandler Update

Friday, July 21, 2006

Update: 7/19/06

Good evening all. I pray that your week is going well.

According to mom Josh had another good day today. He was awake for all of his therapy today and everyone was very pleased with the progress they have seen with Josh. He was able to get the splint for his left hand and the brace for the left elbow today. I really think this is going to help Josh as he tries to get his left arm back to moving. Tomorrow the occupational therapist is going to take a look at Josh's ankles to see if there is anything he can do to help keep them in their normal position. He has not walked in a month and a half so his feet are getting pretty stiff. We are trying to curb future problems by getting all of these splints for Josh. The speech therapist says Josh is doing all of the right things as far as getting back to talking by moving his lips and tongue - he just needs to practice coordinating everything together but once he has done this (watch out) we should see great improvements in that area.

Josh had a better night's rest last night, but he was still awake for a couple of hours thru the night. Mom said he took lots of little cat naps today and that he was looking pretty tired so I pray that he sleeps completely thru the night tonight. I did talk to Josh for just a second on the phone this evening and he sounded good. I think it won't be too much longer before he is calling everyone himself. I guess that means I have to give him back his cell phone!

No word yet on rehab placement. I will let you know as soon as we know something. Anyway, that is about it for today. I hope you all have a good day tomorrow. We love you.


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